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Welcome to Grade 6

Welcome to Grade






Cool Vocabulary

Places  p. 10

The Big Bad Wolf - p. 18

Is It Healthy? - p. 56

Verbs p. 11

Tanesh's Diary - p. 24

How Healthy are You? - p.58

Time p. 12

Adjectives p. 13

People p. 13

Instructions p. 14

Unit 1 - Welcome !

What's in a Story? - p. 30

Peter and the Wolf - p. 32

Stay Healthy Day - p. 60

Rainbow Foods - p. 66

Read It! - p. 39

The Prince and the Pauper - p. 40

The Blind Man and the Elephant - p. 46

Unit 2 - Is it True?


Time - p.12

The Big Bad Wolf - p. 18

The Big Bad Wolf - p. 19 (2)

Places  p. 10

Tanesh's Diary - p. 24

Tanesh's Diary - p. 27

What's in a Story? - p. 30


Tanesh's Diary - p. 24

What's in a Story? - p. 30

What's in a Story? - p. 31

Peter and the Wolf p. 33

The Blind Men & the Elephant - p. 46

 p. 68

Peter and the Wolf - p. 32

The Blind Men  - p. 46

Mith and Facts  - p. 58

Stay Heakthy Day - p. 60

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